aka around 240 DAYS!
It's crazy how quickly the months go by when you're counting down to a specific date.
Find and meet caterers and then book one*
Take engagement photos* (DONE TODAY!!)
Block out hotel rooms*
Find a florist* and book one
Finalize our guest list*
Save more photos of cakes, flowers and hairstyles*
Find band/DJ* and book one
Try on more dresses* and then BUY one (WHAT?!)
Find cake bakers and book one
Order Save the Dates and send them
Choose bridesmaids dresses
Find ceremony musicians
Decide on honeymoon location
(* = These are all from last month, oops)
Clearly I'm behind and have a TON to do this month (but I also think the Knot is a bit crazy when it comes to what we are expected to do each month). The main thing I'm concerned with getting done this month is booking a caterer. I've contacted a few and have set up some meetings which is a step in the right direction!
Today we met with our photographer and took our engagement photos. I was quite fun and far less awkward than we thought! Josh made us feel at ease and comfortable while he snapped away. Now we just have to wait 3 weeks for him to get the film back. Until then we will be anxiously waiting to see how they turned out!
I think Olive secretly wanted to participate in our engagement photos! |