Happy Monday!
This past weekend was full of friends and lots of fun! My weekend technically started on Thursday. I have been slightly sick (all the trees blooming has got my sinuses going crazy) so I didn't do much during the day. That night a group of us went to a Louisville City FC game. We had a lot of fun cheering on Lou City and drinking a few beers!
Friday I went to Lexington to have dinner with some of my maids. Kendall was in town and it was the perfect excuse to get together and have some pizza on a patio! We talked and laughed for a few hours before I came back to Louisville. I love my friends so much and was so so happy to get to spend some time with them!
On Saturday Abe and I headed to the waterfront with a few friends to enjoy some Thunder over Louisville festivities. Thunder is the official start to the Derby festival (Derby is in t-minus 12 days!). During the day they put on a really cool air show and have a fair down by the river. After a few hours of watching the show and baking in the sun, we headed back to a friends apartment to have a few blackberry mint juleps before the big fireworks show started!
I had never been to Thunder, but I was so impressed with the fireworks! They last for around 30 minutes and there was not one wimpy firework among the bunch. We were a few miles away from the riverfront and we still had an excellent view of the whole show!
Sunday was the day a lot of women in the south had been waiting for...the release of the Lilly Pulitzer for Target collection aka Pink Sunday!! I woke up at 7 that morning and headed over to a Target near my house. I got there at around 7:20 and was so surprised to find that I was second in line!

As time ticked on more and more girls arrived and the line grew and grew. As I was standing in line, I made friends with the first and third girls in line. I knew I wanted a shift and a scarf, but there was no way I could get both since they were in two different locations in the store. The lady next to me said she was going to accessories first because she wanted a bag and a scarf. She told me that she would grab me the scarf I wanted if I could look for a dress for her daughter. When the doors opened we started walking in and then the girls behind us started pushing us forward so I had to jog to keep from being pushed down! I ran over to the dresses and grabbed the one I wanted but by the time I had it in my hand I couldn't find the dress for the other women's daughter. It was mass chaos. Dresses were on the floor, girls were yelling, employees were yelling...it was a mess. I met up with the lady who had my scarf and apologized since I couldn't find her dress. I felt absolutely awful for not being find it, but there was nothing I could have done. Ultimately I walked away with a shift, a scarf and a makeup case! I was super happy with my purchases but couldn't believe how insane the whole experience was.

You may notice that my blog got an update! I wasn't super happy with the last layout so I turned to Etsy and found this lovely template! Hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do!
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