When work stress meets wedding stress

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Well y'all, wedding planning is officially more stressful than it is fun. I have so many upcoming events and meeting and so many small things to decide on that it's driving me insane. On top of that stress, I'm having lots and lots of work stress.

As I'm becoming more stressed, I'm trying to remember that I only get to do this once and to enjoy every bit...even when I'm pulling my hair out. When I recognize that I'm stressed, I try to force myself to step away from planning (even browsing Pinterest). Going on walks and runs or picking up a book also seem to help with the stress management. Although it's sometimes very easy to be consumed with the constant to do list that comes with wedding planning, I'm trying not to get too overwhelmed (even thought I find this easier said than done).

I just need to take more deep breaths and remember that in the end what matters is that Abe and I are getting married and starting a new and exciting part of our lives...and if all else fails, I can always go get a margarita.

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